Carnival plc Ex-dividend date

What is the Ex-dividend date of Carnival plc?

The Ex-dividend date of Carnival plc is N/A

What is the definition of Ex-dividend date?

Ex-dividend date is the cut-off date before which the payment of dividends after a sale belongs to the new owner instead of the seller.

The ex-dividend date or reinvestment date is an investment term involving the timing of payment of dividends on stocks of corporations, income trusts, and other financial holdings. If a sale is before this date, the dividend belongs to the new owner; if on or after the date, the seller is entitled to the dividend. If a stock is purchased on its ex-dividend date or after, the buyer will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller gets the dividend. If a stock is purchased before the ex-dividend date, the buyer gets the dividend.

What does Carnival plc do?

Carnival Corporation & plc is a British-American cruise operator with a combined fleet of over 100 vessels across 10 cruise line brands.